Sunday, November 23, 2008

Slips of the tongue

"In this magazine there is an outfit from carrots of the pyrobean." Tad, looking at a medival spam snail mail magazine.

"Carrots of the pyrobean? Dont you mean pirates of the carribean?" Nathalie

"Oh! I cant believe I said that!!!" Tad

(Nathalie burps loudly, well enough to put most men to shame)

"Nathalie I have asked you not to do that at the table, you can cover your mouth and close it! It isnt ladylike." Me

"Yeah I am not allowed to either Nathalie, it isnt ladylike when I do it either." Tad. Both nathalie and I look at him and he looks at us, then puts his head in his hands and says, "What is wrong with my mouth today??? I am not a lady!" He needs male influence... Maybe I should find a wrestling match for him to attend or get him into boxing or something.

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