Tuesday, November 11, 2008

School pictures

Tad has spent hrs reading a toy magazine that came as what we call spam snail mail. Its basically junk mail, I will never buy anything from them. However, it was a great reading lesson! He read item descriptions out loud to my dad and myself.

Nathalie doing handwriting at the table, I was noticing that I made everything that they wear in pictures. Maybe thats because I make everything that they wear!

I especially like his pj pants here, the eggs and bacon are so realistic they almost look 3 D. The orange top is a washable wool shirt, I was able to get some more of this fabric and this time its greige. Meaning, undyed. I can dye it any color I want!

I was thinking, what a fabulous way to do school! Laid out in the floor or sitting if you choose, still in pjs, no shoes, no early waking, no long periods of sitting bored with a work book. We accomplish more than kids in school do in 1/3 of the time this way.


Unknown said...

I love the pattern on Tad's pants. Quite cute.

Kenji said...

their clothes are beautiful. :) Yesterday I caught Josiah reading a book to Rebekah and two lizzard outside. I took pictures but don't know if they turned out yet, if they do I'll post, but you're right, that's the way to do school. :)