Tuesday, July 31, 2012


We started the siding yesterday. Bought 20 sheets as we knew that would be the main part of the barn, no cutting. We did not want to leave the siding in the truck, nor did we want to unload/cover it so we used it all at once. Frank and the kids did most of this while I handed tools or took photos.
Originally we planned on needing 8 ft sheets because the barn was to be 8 ft tall. That was in the early planning stages, and instead we needed 9 ft due to the 10" header. Now we have to rip 1 ft off of a sheet and put it above the current siding. The base will have a piece of metal trim all around, the siding will have trim at corners and the top part where it joins up.
My tired girl... Poor kids, they are learning so much but are really tired! They work hard, learn new things every day. If we give them the option to not work, they do not take it. The kids went out here to help with siding without being asked.
Tad has been using the nail gun on the barn, but he did all of the lower nails this time. Frank went to get new siding and left him to put nails in and trouble shoot any issues he had alone. Tad knows that means respect and he be so proud.
See, this makes my head hurt! I carried the metal roofing this way and my head skin actually hurt for days. It felt bruised and achy. It does not seem to hurt Frank at all. I would have helped him carry these, but he is so strong its just easier to do it alone!
We ended up having to move 2 boards from each long side to the outside. Kind of a pain at this point in the game but we worked it out. The ground is not level for the ladder which is a pain, we often have to shim the ladder up with pieces of 2x4. Frank put 2x4s along the base of the barn all the way around and they were level, this made it really easy to set the pieces of siding on and nail them in. No measuring, no holding in place.
Tad using the nail gun, I really do not like it at all. I dont know if he likes the nail gun, or accepts it as a male person. He knows that he will like it if he does not already, so he just likes it on principal. I think it is heavy. The nails blew through at first so Nathalie spent quite a bit of time hammering them down so that the goats do not get hurt.
Talking shop here. They are discussing how the top pieces will be cut and put in, and when are we going to paint. Are we going to buy a paint sprayer daddy, you know we do need one. Eric has one. Yeah buddy I know, I think we will have to. I cant see any way around it.
In all of Nathalie's picture taking as well as mine, we did not take a picture of the entire barn. I will get to that soon. I am just tired and overworked!
"Ok baby girl, its not hard. Watch. You can try it in just a minute."                                                                                                
"Daddy, I be scared." She tries it once, the air blew into her face and she freaked out. A pep talk later, she tried again. Frank turned the air the other way so she would not feel it again. Then she nailed 3 more times and total agreed with mama that screws and drill are far more acceptable.
Trying it one last time. As usual, they learned new things and it does not take much longer to teach as we go than it would if we just pushed through. When I was a kid, I had so many questions about electricity, plumbing, construction, milk cows. Just a huge range of questions lived in my mind, I wanted to know how everything worked and were did it all come from. I like knowing these things. My husband and my best friend Nikki spent years teaching me the answers to many of my questions. Nikki patiently taught me to use pneumatic tools and other hand tools, Frank taught me how to remodel and use more tools. When Frank deployed last time, I learned how to use even more because Eric was not all about doing the job for me. He helped me with so many jobs and taught me how to do things like rip 2x4s. Something I had feared and said no to Nikki and Frank when they told me too... Eric said, do it anyway and I did. I want my kids to know these things now, and they do. Nikki's children can use tools because she taught them as they grew, we have done so also and I am glad. they will be capable, confident adults in all that they do.

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