Thursday, February 26, 2009

current events

Tad doing math, the table is still messy but he went right to doing it after chores this am and only missed one problem so I am not complaining!

Nathalie drilling herself on our flashcards. She has yet to beat tad. I hold up the current cards that we are using (additiona and subtraction facts through the 8 family) and each child tries to answer first. If someone answers wrong, it goes to my pile otherwise whoever says the answer first gets it. He always wins but she doesnt mind. She just works harder on her own time. She did wrap ups this am while still in her daddy shirt (she sleeps in franks t shirts, only, regardless of the fact that I made her 3 nice sets of pjs THAT SHE PICKED PATTERNS AND FABRIC FOR). She did 8,9 and 10 all the way through plus 12. A good freind with higschoolers gave us thousands of dollars worth of nice homeschool supplies, hands on and manipulatives as well as curriculum all for free. The wrap ups were part of it and we have loved them!\

Caprine supply is a place in Kansas City that sells supplies for goat herders. Anything you can imagine! We bought a disbudding iron from them monday and got it tuesday, I ordered these yest and got them today. The babies cannot be weaned until 11 wks at earliest and they are almost 4 wks old now. Its getting tough to hold the bottles unless all 3 of us go down and I want to go down early am. They moved to the barn 2 nights ago, will blog on that after I take pics of their new area. I made them a windbreak and hung a heat lamp as it gets cold at night. The bag is milk replacer, better for them, and cheaper, than buying cows milk, buttermilk and condensed which has to be mixed to replace goats milk. My goats only give 5 qts a day between the 2, not enough for 3 growing baby goats. So these bottles can be attached and I will just take down a tea kettle of boiling water and keep a bottle of soap down there in the front barn and a clean pail so I can wash bottles down there and not have to carry them up. The tea kettle is easy to take down.

So yesterday I called outside and said, lets go to town I need to run some errands. We had to feed babies first so I expected to be able to leave in a few min. Well I HAD said yes to the dirt and water... It was warm! So here we are, covered literally head to toe. Nathalies shirt is completely ruined but the camo and brown pants came out well. I wasnt angry, its not a big deal at all to me esp out here. They had such a great time! I am glad I have multiple bathrooms. They de-nuded on the back porch (nathalie averted her eyes for him-new issues for him as he is "grown") and he went right into shower and I had to carry her bc he was in shower right near back door. I carried her into my shower. It took 3 shampoos per and ended up with me needing a shower and they each took the shower wand down and cleaned the mud from shower walls!

They had a fabulous time and I will let them do this anytime, but maybe next time they could wash off a bit more at the pump and no hand drawn on cream colored shirts for Nathalie!

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