Monday, August 20, 2012

Where have I been!

My brother in law, Jacob, was visiting for the week from Tn. We stayed quite busy, and I have not had time to upload and edit photos. Today is our first day back to school, I am not quite sure how to juggle everything yet! No pictures today, but here is our back to school schedule.


Math, Reading, French, Typing
Writing Strands
Language Arts

Music Practice
Stretching/strength exercises/PE
Swim at 4:15-5:30 with Team


Math, Reading, French, Typing

Music Practice
Stretching/strength exercises/PE
Swim at 4:15-5:30 with Team


Math, Reading, French, Typing
Writing Strands
Language Arts

Music Practice
Stretching/strength exercises/PE
Swim at 4:15-5:30 with Team


Math, Reading, French, Typing

Music Practice
Stretching/strength exercises/PE
Swim at 4:15-5:30 with Team


Math, Reading, French, Typing
Writing Strands
Language Arts

Music Lessons
Stretching/strength exercises

The End.

Just kidding. That is the school work portion and lessons we know already. Art is independent, music practice is done by themselves, I teach Tad guitar and Nathalie piano. Nathalie just started and I know she doesnt want to do it but too bad. Swim is 4 days a wk until they go into the next team level, then it is 5 days a wk. Meets are on weekends.

The stretching/strength is to help with swimming and tumbling. Tumbling wont start until September, I dont have a day/time yet. Tad will also start diving lessons in September. Nathalie will have monthly orthodontist visits.

The curriculum we are using is mixed as usual. Math-Singapore, Reading-McGuffy readers, French-Rosetta Stone and other supporting materials, Typing-Mavis Beacon, Science-Apologia, History- Story of the World, Spelling-Spelling power, Handwriting-cursive that I write out or give dictation for, Writing-Writing Strands, Language arts-Language Lessons, Geography-videos and books from library of choice and Seterra for maps.

Science/History and Spelling/Handwriting are written this way to denote to the children that they are every other day. They also know that we alternate amounts, one week science and spelling are 3 days a wk and history/handwriting are 2 and it changes up the next wk so each lesson gets an equal focus. We cannot fit every subject, every day. But each time we do science or history, we do much more than the curriculum would have us do per day so we stay more than caught up.  

In addition, we have to continue doing all of our barn chores, outside chores, keep the house clean, laundry done, cooking done and sewing completed. They continue to work on sewing, knitting, animal husbandry and Lego creations. We are training for our first Tri this year as well, running and swimming now and the kids cycle regularly.

Cooking takes up a big portion of my morning time, and I teach while I do this. Today I made bread and tortillas. We need both for the week. For dinner, I took out enchiladas. I do freezer meals when possible, and if not I need to use the crockpot. We are gone from 3:45-6:00 4 evenings a week for swim. I swim at 5:30-6:30 3 mornings a week which does not affect my schedule, just my sleep.

Afternoons are used playing games, cleaning up, sewing, folding laundry and making sure the kids completed all of their seat work, grading their work, and any other chores that arise. I am pretty busy, so I likely wont be blogging as much as I did during the summer. The barn is nearly done, just awaiting trim, doors and windows which we have. The new shed is nearly done, needs siding yet and a bit of roof. It went up quickly especially with all the fishing that was done last wk. I will update with photos later!

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