Tuesday, August 7, 2012


1 sick girl + 1 kitten = full time guardian! This cat sat on her feet much of the time that she was sick. The morning I took her to the ER, I had come out from my bedroom to call the doctor, came back to my room where she was. The cat was on my bed, I said, "baby we are going to the ER lets get some socks on" and the cat jumped down and attached his claws to her blanket over her legs. He is still "checking" on her and following her about a lot.
"Are you threatening her?" He was so cute, being protective. She said it kept her legs warm. The night after we were in the ER he would not stay out of their room, they close their door so kitten wont wake them at night but they had to let him sleep with her and leave the door open. I got up multiple times to check her, and she was fine. I would not have been surprised to have been woken by kitten at my door if her fever had spiked, or she became sick again in any way.
My poor baby...he wont love me for posting this. He has been doing PT on his own for years, and scoring higher on PT test than most of the company, always outrunning younger guys who THINK they will beat Chief. He has now been required to come in for morning PT. As he was able to do PT on his own since he became a Warrant Officer, we didnt expect that and we live 55 miles from base! That means he is getting up at 4 a.m. and he is coming home and working outside until late in the evening. Then he stays up to get the kids off to bed with me. He is worn out, truly. He fell asleep on the couch Sunday afternoon, and woke up to say, "Why did you let me sleep! We have to finish the siding."
He carried on about how he had no cinnamon rolls so long I made a couple of pans. They have been great to go along with cereal and coffee in our early mornings. I put them in his lunch box with his breakfast and today, he ate his lunch for breakfast as well. He is losing more calories every day than he takes in. I mean, unless you add the beer. which is total unreasonable behavior so we will not add that in.
Not an interesting picture, but just one more example of "I have to do EVERYTHING the hard way! We do not have any does in milk, a lady in Wasilla has some lovely Nubians in milk and she will sell 2 to me in late August. she is showing them in Fairbanks first, so cannot let them go. once again, groceries are insane up here and we found almonds really cheap by the pound, they are organic, plain roasted almonds and I can make almond milk. My kids will not drink cows milk, but regardless it is 5$ a gallon. Almond milk is about 2$ a gallon, soy would be 1$ a gallon but no soybeans for sale. I can order them by the bucket, but shipping is cheap if I buy 6 buckets. I do not need 6, so holding out for goats milk by making this. It only adds about 20 min to my day every 4 days or so. I drink it, and it has 50% more calcium than cows milk. I may continue making this to drink, as I do not drink goats milk. I cook with it, use it for cereal, eat ice cream. I just dont like to drink it plain-almond milk may be a milk replacer but it does NOT taste like milk. Ti

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