Monday, October 1, 2012

First snow!

 I forgot to post our first snow! This was Saturday morning, so September 29. I think that is the date. Did we have 30, or 31 days in Sept? Because today is Monday, Oct 1 so 2 days ago...anyway you get the gist. Frank was up, I was not. I was blissfully unaware of my white world. The roving coop in the yard is not actually being ignored for any good reason, we put the other ones up. This one is going to be mended, and listed online for sale as we like the 2nd style better.
Snow is so lovely! I especially love that somehow the cold air seems to just, zap all the gray away. It was still gray a bit here, but by the time we were all awake it was sunny and it has stayed sunny. It is sunnier here when it is cold, I dont mind snow, or cold but I actually prefer them to earn the sun.
The snow melted on Saturday, save Tommy which is a snow baby that N made. I dont know where he is, but she said, "He is hard packed, and I put him in the shade so he might last." Last he might, yesterday morning was 23 degrees at 9 a.m. and sunny. It is still warming up to around 45-50 I think during the day, that is about the same as most of the summer...
Sometimes it feels like we have been here for a long time. My friend Eric just had a birthday, last yr we were sitting at the Mexican restaurant with him in Ks, watching the waiter smash whipped cream into his face. I saw the picture of this year's birthday, I was so startled. Has it been that long? I thought, have I been gone from home long enough for it to be another year? But... I didnt leave last September, it is just a memory close to when I left. We left in January. We have been here for all of the seasons now, at least in part. We only made half of last winter here. It is hard to believe that we just bought this house, there was no barn, no fence. No garden shed. Now it is here, and mostly finished. We have learned that Alaskans work as they have time, money and good weather. We have been told by fellow Alaskans, that those do not all apply to us. We work in poor weather, we work late, we work tired. We are broke, from all of this work, but it is worth it. I love having my little farm, it may do no more than break even financially, but it does my soul good to have it.

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