Sunday, January 6, 2013


I have not posted in a REALLY long time! We are so busy, and yet nothing is very interesting... Swim team is taking a lot of time along with the farm and homeschooling. This picture shows you how the cat feels about the new dog!
We bought Bully Girl from someone nearby here, he had to sell her because he had 2 dogs and had to move where only 1 was allowed. The other dog was elderly, so he kept him. Bully is very well trained! Incredibly well behaved, no jumping or licking, does not eat from our plates, or potty in the house. she has learned an underground fence very quickly so can go out whenever she likes.
"I needs my belly rubbed... and these guys is playin a game!"
"What was that???"
"OH look its the cat!"
"I never get any cards... "
Watching snow fall together. Nathalie has feared dogs pretty much her whole life. we do not know why, she has not been bitten. We meet dogs that she likes, but not well enough to want one. She was highly apprehensive when we went to meet Bully but 5 min after walking in, she was in love. She is very comfortable with her.
One of the things we have done in my absence, this was a project that Tad and Frank completed in an hour when I requested a place to hang our winter gear.
Another reason for being busy... We cant make tortillas like normal people, oh no N and I have to make them!
Did someone say rabbit??? Our rabbits end up being quite enormous, Frank roasted it chest down instead of binding the legs together in order to make it cook faster. It was excellent.
And this was after we ate dinner! Mostly gone. The chickens finished up the rest. We have a lot else going on, so much... more than I can list. It is Sunday night and the week starts again, we had 1 day off this weekend and we have a swim meet next, so we will be busy constantly for the next 2 wks. Sunday's are usually catch up days as this one was.

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