Sunday, October 4, 2009

my mind

is leaving me. I will tell you why later. Not tonight later. I promise to say tomorrow why.

My house is spotless. We did the dishes, the laundry, the dusting, the sweeping, the vacuuming, mopping, cleaned bedrooms, washed the sheets, made the beds, made new clothes, cleaned up the clippings from sewing, quilted, read 5 chapters in little house, played endless games, played I spy, played person place or thing. Talked about mosquito larva, blew up rubber gloves with a bike tire pump, and it wasnt cow udders, it was mutated goat udders. We did chores, we fed hay, I mucked out a barn, we played with the puppy, we made fun of each other. We laughed, we acted stupid, we walked around aimlessly, we blew up MORE gloves when those popped. We filled them with water. Tad asked to fill his with an air compressor. I almost said yes. We listened to Itunes, we played air guitar with real guitars, with itunes. We played hide and seek because Nathalie hides a lot and doesnt answer when we call her. Tad arm farted, I declined. I emailed a friend at least 20 times. I took another shower. Nathalie dried her glove with a blow dryer. Tad tried to screw the fan down to the 100 yr old wash stand (dont worry mom he was joking).

You see how my day is going? It has been the longest, craziest day of my life. And tomorrow you will say oh I see!

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