Watering newly potted tomatoes. They are still living in the greenhouse at night so we didnt put them out in the garden this day. We have since planted the entire garden.
Tomato planting, behind me, well to my right is an orange trench shovel-in those beds we planted okra. I love okra and it grew very well in Ks and Sc. Mom said that the okra plants have to have heat for a number of weeks, real heat. The greenhouse will get up to 115 if we leave the door shut and it is 40 deg outside. So I figure it will easily hit 90 with the fan running (yes could be hotter but that would kill things) so the okra can grow. I will use the greenhouse all summer for starting fall plants, and for causing plants such as kale, spinach and lettuce to go to seed. I collect and save them as they are heirloom.
This picture looks like winter, what it really is-midnight from moms bedroom window during the night. It doesnt get truly dark at night mom says, from my side of the house it looks pretty dark around 2 a.m. but by 3 a.m., its again light. On mama's side it is lighter all night, probably because of how the windows are.
Geese wishing to enter the garden area when it has been planted. They SMELL the lettuce and spinach.
"Hey, I am eating here."
"Um, yeah me too. Excuse us!"
Nathalie, in flip flops, making snow balls to throw at mom later. See that shirt she is wearing? I made it the spring she was almost 4. She has worn in constantly, year around since then. She will turn 10 in July. It was a dress when I first made it. Up close it is worn and starting to wear through completely around the collar and sleeves, the hem has been redone and now has small holes, the front has small worn spots and holes, and it has stains.
Mom says Mr Babbity is the biggest rabbit she has ever seen!
His wife, Mrs Babbity. We are hoping for baby babbities soon in order to have dinner.
They are wishing they were eating. Finally these chickens have learned to eat leftovers, at first they would only eat chicken food so we had to kinda hold off on their meal times for a couple of hrs, and then give the leftovers first. We want to feed them on meal worms, fish and garden foods/seeds/grains and so we dont want them to be hooked completely on processed feeds.
Letting in the sun and air, when it is sunny we take full advantage. This does not happen very often.
A farm photo. We are really getting a barn put up, we just have to have a few hrs to get the posts started. Once the 11 posts are set in we can start framing and from there it will go pretty fast. We also have to get the barn yard fence set in, which will take time. Everything takes time so right now our back yard is the farm scene.
Nathalie and mom have snow balls freezing solid and they will attack each other with them. There are still piles of dirty snow about for the using. Yes, this picture is also of Frank's vodka but that was not the point of the photo.
This is my hammock mom says. It is also the children's rickshaw. They want Frank to buy a new one though because now this one has been used for manure. He doesnt see the issue. Nathalie says, lets hose it out and Tad says No Thanks.
Lastly a photo from Home Depot. I drove up there on purpose to show mom how lovely it is on the Home Depot hill. They have the best view in all of Wasilla.
Thats it for now. Off to sew, farm, garden, educate.
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