I know right I promised photos. And no one stole my camera so I should post. I have been INSANELY busy! Having these bottle babies, pasturizing milk, a lot of extra house cleaning some big orders for my business. I have big custom orders that are now late, and I also have had people who insist on buying from my store in stock. So I have to ship those items and its usually stuff like "5 yds of fabric A" and its hard to cut that amt on my table! Oh and this is Tad with Dreamer's doeling, as yet un-named. She isnt in the house anymore. She wasnt for long. She was loud. Oh so loud.
Nathalie feeding The Loud One or Tiny One Who Speaks With Big Voice.
Ari-who had a hideous ordeal kidding-with her little buck. He isn't as cute as some of the others. Tall-Boy, Nona's 3 bucks and the last one (dreamer) born are prettier. This little one is sweet though. And he hasnt a name, he is B something. Forgot his birth order, its in my book.
Poor guy...
Two of Nona's bucks. They have flashy color, I think her buck and doe who are predominately white are the prettiest though. She dropped these guys out without even letting us know she was due, and her little doeling was dropped down south barn yard and she walked off and had her bucks in the feed barn!
One of Nona's (corner), Ari's to his left and the lower portion of photo is Dreamer's. Oh and the broom I dont know why its there. It sure wasnt in the milk shed when I needed it I guess thats because its in this picture. Or I am tired. Or both. Its nearly midnight RIGHT NOW.
Sorta fuzzy photo but Tall-Boy is cute. He is pretty superior, he knows he is the oldest baby in the herd and he pushes the others around about it.
These are the other three girls, Nevada in the left, Willow in front and Petit behind her. Petit is Nona's girl and thus Punk's sister. Halfway. you know how goats are.
Same girls, Willow is shying from somthing so Nevada put her ears back also to follow suit, or because she was also startled I dont know which.
Oop! She ran into her butt. This and falling over happens sometimes and I shamelessly laugh at them.
Or when they look like this, when their middle comes up to let their ends go forward in a rather ungainly way for the first few wks.
Where did that come from? Well anyway thats a chicken.
Also in unrelated news, Nathalie has a blue tooth. It was manufactured by Nathalie out of a scrap of red construction paper. Much to Tad's distress, she contacted his imaginary friend on her bluetooth and talked with him.
Okay now its closer to midnight and I have to shower off the days dirt and fall into bed. Good-night and thanks for not stealing my camera.
1 comment:
Your camera's safe from me... I do need to find mine though! I am back home and catching up! We went to Florida for a bit... come to think of it I should call you... you'd probably know what I should do!
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