I hadnt posted any good Nathalie pictures lately so here are a few. This feature is, math time. I dont know how the three stools are comfortable... Nearly all of the pictures I have of her are in overalls.
But here, she stepped out of the ordinary into a homemade tube top and "hula" skirt (she made this herself) and most of the day wore her belly dancing scarf on top of it. Oh and a doll baby nightgown that was her nightgown when she was 2.
Amazing, her upper body still fits a size 2? I mean yes it was a nightgown but wow! So all they do is get taller? She got the belly dancing scarf and some videos from her mama Nikki on her birthday and she has worn it many ways of Sunday and tried to learn some dancing skills.
Somehow, if you knew mama nikki you would agree, this outfit looks like something nikki would wear! And she, like Nathalie, can totally pull it off.
And this picture... A tired girl ready for bed sitting next to her daddy. She is watching a movie I think, I cant remember. This was probably 4 days before he left.
Okay so now after the photos, here are a few things I have learned, or knew, or am sharing.
1. I like wearing headphones even when I am not listening to anything.
2. I miss my husband.
3. I dont like Christmas as much without him and neither do the kids. Nathalie is ready to rebel though is old enough to realize it would do no good.
4. The sound of his voice on the phone does the same thing to me that him walking in the door does. My heart skips a beat and then races. I love that this is true.
5. I most especially like it when he is wearing his I am tired voice, it sounds so soft and slow... there went that skipped beat!
6. I hate asking for help, and so I wish my ankle didnt hurt. The man who loaded my Christmas tree today wasnt kind to me and I cried about this.
7. I hate trying to set a tree up and ours leans really far to the right. Or is it the left...
8. My husband really is superman. The things that are problems for me, that I have to find solutions to, wouldnt even be problems for him. He wouldnt think, how do I fix this. It just would happen, it would work.
9. I bought a superman t shirt for $7 because I thought it might work that way for me. All it did was spurn an argument between myself and mama on who is better, superman or pretty boy I have my own money for superpowers Bruce Wayne AKA the batman. I won the argument. Oh wait, did I? No, she brought out the bat mobile and it was a good point.
10. I am wearing my superman t shirt just in case.
11. I still miss my husband. And I miss my mama. I like her. She makes me laugh, every time I talk to her and I like her voice too. Its deep and southern and has a safe sound, like everything is gonna be okay now that she on the line.
Goodnight and Merry Christmas!
PS I listen to the same song over and over and over on repeat until I find a song I like better then the previous one is suddenly dull and annoying.
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