So for several posts, I will have to exhaust my hard drive of all pictures I have of my husband. I dont think he will mind. He did ask me not to put a large sticker on the back of our minivan that says, our soldier, my husband, my hero... he says thats "cheesy" and "a bit over the top" for him. He did list some facts I was allowed to proudly post about him on our vehicle, none of them appropriate for the good christians, agnostics, atheists, buddhists or daoists in the community. (not that you all exist, I just dont want to leave any one out and assume that any group would be savvy with my husband choice of bumper sticker).
Incidently he took this picture himself. It would have been better had I not been laughing. We were in the goat yard, what do you expect?
Off that topic, I was feeling proud and thought I would post it. My children complained today that they had eaten all the bread with breakfast (cinamon sugar toast is tads specialty) and they now wanted a sandwich (it was 11 and that isnt time to make bread.) As I make our bread, I had to prepare something else for lunch. They were pleased with homeade noodle and veggie soup as was I.
However, we have a big day tomorrow so in preparation, I strained fresh milk, refridgerated, made fresh bread, sliced and bagged for the am as they cook breakfast wether I am awake or not and boiled eggs that OUR chickens laid (or "pooped out" as my family calls it) to make egg salad for tomorrow packed lunch. Nathalies request, she said she deserved the request as she cannot make toast. Which is of course because Tad spoils her.
We are going tomorrow to Lowes to buy 2x4s for the plastic framing of the chicken coop windows due to the near freezing temps, although if I find one dead from weather, we will use it as dinner.
I also need a heater as I am not manly enough to work in my husbands super organized tool filled shop that would make any man drool in this near freezing weather and I have several woody projects to complete. (has anyone made a baby gate without their husbands help???)
So we are off tomorrow after homemade granola, our milk, homemade bread with my ground wheat, and packed lunchs with our eggs to go shop in the mens store-Lowes.
There's stuff in the garden fencing dept. which is where we bought the galvinized mesh for our goat yard that would work for a baby gate. In fact, it's almost the same stuff they use for the ones you buy at the store. I'm sure it's real use is in the garden but it should work quite nicely for a baby gate, would probably hold up better than the plastic that's normally used too. It comesin a roll like chicken wire, I think it's plastic, maybe green? It's not in lumber fencing, at least not at ours. Which threw us for a loop and I about freaked thinking they didn't have what I wanted. Home Depot had ALL their fencing in building supplies but Lowes likes to put part of it in garden, go figure!
Oh that sounds easier than ripping 2x4s and sanding... Thanks for the tip!
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